CS4: Publish for FlashPlayer 10.2

So, flash player 10.2 was just released!

It features StageVideo, Native Mouse Cursor and the ability to view full screen flash content on one screen, while working on the other!

So these are some really cool features! But how do people with CS4 get their hands on these? Adobe is not likely to publish an update to CS4 that enabled us to do this, at least they didn’t with FP 10.1!

Here’s how to do it

Download all the players (release and debuggers) http://kb2.adobe.com/cps/142/tn_14266.html

Get the newest Flex SDK here: http://opensource.adobe.com/wiki/display/flexsdk/Download+Flex+Hero

Renaming the Players

You need to have the following files (may vary if you’re on a Mac, check the existing Players folder):

Top Folder (called “Players”):
| FlashPlayer.exe (either the release or debug player, is used as standalone player)
| Debug (folder)
|— FlashPlayer.exe (the debug player)
| Release (folder)
|— FlashPlayer.exe (the release player)

I would also recommend copying the different installers into their appropriate folders, so they’re there if you need them.

Time For Action

  1. Quit Flash
  2. Backup the existing FP players, and paste with the new ones (@ C:\Program Files\Adobe\Adobe Flash CS4\Players )
  3. Copy the new playerglobal.swc (@ FLEX_SDK\frameworks\libs\player\10.2 )
  4. Rename the existing playerglobal.swc , and paste the new one (@ C:\Program Files\Adobe\Adobe Flash CS4\Common\Configuration\ActionScript 3.0\FP10 )

if you’re on a Mac, replace ‘Program Files’ with ‘Applications’, and ‘\’ with ‘/’.

Articles on the New Features




Here are also some video tutorials:



Problems When Testing Movie

You might experience problems when you test your movie inside Flash. That’s because Flash CS4 apparently has a built in player (so it doesn’t use the ones in the “Players” folders) (read more here).

But it works fine when you debug your movie (CTRL+SHIFT+ENTER), open the SWF in a standalone player or view it though a browser.

If you’re only using the new Native Mouse Cursor, you could make a workaround like this:

var isUsingExternalPlayer:Boolean = (Capabilities.playerType == "External")

If it’s using the external player, don’t do any of the fancy new stuff!

Posted on February 16th, 2011
Filed under Flash |

One Response to “CS4: Publish for FlashPlayer 10.2”

  1. Robin van Emden
    February 19th, 2011 at 13:31

    Thanks for the concise how to.

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