Preview: Facebook Graph API Book
As you might have heard Michael James Williams just published his first book; Facebook Graph API Development with Flash
I’ve been so lucky that I’ve got a copy for review.
Even though I’m not a big fan of Facebook, I know it’s become an important factor for many companies and products. So having knowledge about integrating content with Facebook is definitely a very valuable skill. I’m not talking about just adding a “Like” button to a page, but actually making a deep and meaningful integration! – and that’s exactly what this book should provide.
The book is based on a learn-by-doing concept, so instead of just learning the theory behind connecting to Facebook, you actually get to do it! (I find this method is way better than only theory. I forget about things I don’t use, and if I only ever learned about the theory, but never actually used it for anything, I’ll forget it soon after.)
So, I’m really looking forward to reading this book. When I’m done with the 324 pages I’ll post a full review of it!
Posted on January 17th, 2011 Filed under ActionScript 3, Flash, Review |
Thanks for this, Rasmus! Hope you enjoy it :)