Molehill Goes Live for Testing! (18:00 GMT)

So at the Flash Gaming Summit, Thibault Imbert & Lee Brimelow just announced a program where developers can test the new things Adobe Flash team is working on!

That means at 18:00 (GMT) you should be able to download SDK and Documentation for Molehill!

Other great news is that all of the 3D frameworks Adobe has been working with (Alternativa3D, Away3d, Flare3D, Sophie3D and Yogurt3D) also should release a new version of their Framework that supports Molehill. (also at 18:00 GMT)

And.. Pixel Bender 3 goes live 4’th of March.

Here’s the link:

ByteArray post about it:

Posted on February 27th, 2011
Filed under Uncategorized |

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