Ultrashock Bundle – $1500 Worth of Goods for $49!

A site just like the Evanto network apparently has a 10 year anniversary now, so they’ve created a HUGE bundle with lots of good stuff!

It contains $1500 worth of goods, with a lot of cool stuff! There’s not that many Flash files, but some site templates. It has a lot of music / sound files and also vouchers

It ends on Tuesday (22/3) at 20:00 GMT, so you better buy it before it’s too late.


For the people worried about licenses:

Can I use the included items for commercial projects?
Every downloadable item in this bundle comes with a single use commercial license. This means that one individual or company can use this bundle on their personal, private, academic, non-profit, or even commercial project.

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Posted on March 17th, 2011
Filed under Recommendations | 1 Comment »

Alienocalypse Trailer

Alienocalypse got a trailer!

Posted on March 14th, 2011
Filed under My Games | 1 Comment »

Most Hilarious Blog Post You’ll Ever Read About GDC! (Ryan Creighton)

So Ryan Creighton from Untold Entertainment made a fantastic blog post about an experience from GDC 2011. It got so popular that his site has crashed, but it’s back up again now. Read it here:


Posted on March 7th, 2011
Filed under Rant | 2 Comments »

Flash Gaming Summit Session Recordings are live now!

Where you at the Flash Gaming Summit last Sunday? Sadly, I wasn’t, but I was able to follow most of the event though the live stream.

Now the session recordings are put up on the web, you can find the links to them here: http://mochiland.com/articles/flash-gaming-summit-wrap-up-session-recordings-photos-more

Currently, the link to “Getting Your Flash Game Sponsored” redirects to the talk by pop cap (The Evolution of Flash Games at PopCap and How They Came to Facebook), but let’s hope that gets fixed soon.

To get an overview of the talks, the program is here: http://www.flashgamingsummit.com/program.html

I think I was so lucky being the only one from the live stream chat having their question asked, in the panel discussion of polishing a game. I was quite happy about that :)

One of the speakers, Chris Benjaminsen, the man behind Nonoba, player.IO and Everbody Edits, told the community of Everybody Edits that this game was also nominated for one of the Mochi Awards. The people of this community was so happy about this, that they came into the live stream and spammed the chat with things like: “EE is the best game”, “EE is going to win”, “EE” and so on! This meant that some times no one was able to make a decent conversation, and a couple of times they moderators simply disabled the chat completely! This was both quite fun to watch, but also irritating.

Now I’m off to watch some of the presentations I haven’t seen yet, you should do too!

Posted on March 3rd, 2011
Filed under Flash | No Comments »

Jumping Man got Released!

My first game that I finished 100%, got sold in February. It went live on UPUP-DOWNDOWN games February the 19’th. I just think they have some serious problems with their portal, as one cannot replay my game without reloading the whole thing. So that why I haven’t posted about it before now.

Today I’ve published it to various sites, so if you want to play it, you can try it on Kongregate:


Jumping Man

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Posted on March 1st, 2011
Filed under My Games | 1 Comment »

Molehill Goes Live for Testing! (18:00 GMT)

So at the Flash Gaming Summit, Thibault Imbert & Lee Brimelow just announced a program where developers can test the new things Adobe Flash team is working on!

That means at 18:00 (GMT) you should be able to download SDK and Documentation for Molehill!

Other great news is that all of the 3D frameworks Adobe has been working with (Alternativa3D, Away3d, Flare3D, Sophie3D and Yogurt3D) also should release a new version of their Framework that supports Molehill. (also at 18:00 GMT)

And.. Pixel Bender 3 goes live 4’th of March.

Here’s the link:http://labs.adobe.com/technologies/flashplatformruntimes/incubator/

ByteArray post about it: http://www.bytearray.org/?p=2810

Posted on February 27th, 2011
Filed under Uncategorized | No Comments »

Putting Your Flash Application on Facebook (iFrame)

This entry is part of a series, Facebook Development»

After I read the book “Facebook Graph API Development with Flash“, I wanted to make a little application to test out what I had learned.

If you want to see what I came up with, you can try it here: http://apps.facebook.com/jello-friends/ (you’ll need a Facebook account)
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Entries in this series:
  1. Review: Facebook Graph API Book
  2. Putting Your Flash Application on Facebook (iFrame)

Posted on February 24th, 2011
Filed under ActionScript 3, Tutorial | 3 Comments »

Review: Facebook Graph API Book

This entry is part of a series, Facebook Development»

I while ago I wrote that I had would be reviewing the book Facebook Graph API Development with Flash, and now I’m finished reading it!

It turns out to be a very nice book!
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Entries in this series:
  1. Review: Facebook Graph API Book
  2. Putting Your Flash Application on Facebook (iFrame)

Posted on February 24th, 2011
Filed under Review, Tutorial | No Comments »

Alienocalypse is up for bidding

Alienocalypse, a project I have been working on with BerzerkStudio is finally done and is now up for bidding on FGL.

It’s been a long time since we started the project (September ’10), but I’m very pleased with the end result!

So for the people who can’t view it yet, you’ve got something to look forward to!

I’ll write a more in-depth article about it when it gets published!

Posted on February 17th, 2011
Filed under My Games | 3 Comments »

CS4: Publish for FlashPlayer 10.2

So, flash player 10.2 was just released!

It features StageVideo, Native Mouse Cursor and the ability to view full screen flash content on one screen, while working on the other!

So these are some really cool features! But how do people with CS4 get their hands on these? Adobe is not likely to publish an update to CS4 that enabled us to do this, at least they didn’t with FP 10.1!
Read the rest of this entry »

Posted on February 16th, 2011
Filed under Flash | 1 Comment »

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